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wp flash img show(WordPress Plugin)图片幻灯片轮换插件V1.2

2010/10/17th | 10 Comments |Views: 12682 | Posted in Wordpress, 网络开发, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).
wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here

Plugin:WP flash img show

Author: Xwjie

Link: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html

Description (简介): http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show-v1-1.html

Demo (演示): http://xwjie.com/demo/wp-flash-img-show-demo.php

Download 1 : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/

Download 2 : http://code.google.com/p/wp-flash-img-show/downloads/detail?name=wp-flash-img-show-v1.2.zip


步骤1. 解压 wp-flash-img-show.zip

步骤2. 上传  wp-flash-img-show 文件夹到你的网站  /wp-content/plugins/  目录内

步骤3. 用管理员身份登录,在’插件’选项内激活 ‘WP flash img show’ 插件

步骤4 方法1: 把这句HTML代码复制到你的主题文件/文章/边栏小工具(文本小工具): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME):<div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_COMFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

步骤4 方法2: 把这句PHP代码复制到你的主题文件中: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME): <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('COMFIGNAME');} ?>







步骤5. 在 ‘设置’ — ‘WP flash img show’ 设置图片地址和显示参数

注意:确保你的主题模板文件中有一个  wp_head() </head> 之前, 而切尔有一个  wp_footer() </body> 标签之前, 否则很多插件无法使用,包括本插件(请手动添加到主题模板文件中).

= Installation (English) =

step 1: Extract wp-flash-img-show.zip

step 2: Upload   wp-flash-img-show   older to the    /wp-content/plugins/  directory

step 3: Activate ‘wp flash img show’ in your Admin Panel (‘Plugins’ menu )

step 4 Method 1: Put this HTML code in your Template / Post / Widgets(text-widgets). <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_CONFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

step 4 Method 2: Put this PHP code in your template: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME):  <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('CONFIGNAME');} ?>

here is some example:






step 5: Change the Setting by navigating to ‘Settings’–‘wp flash img show’ and complete the form

Notice: Make sure have  wp_head() just before the closing </head> tag of your theme AND  have  wp_footer() just before the closing </body> tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins.(You can edit and add those function to your theme file.)


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can not Display ? =

1. Make sure have wp_head() just before the closing </head> tag of your theme AND have wp_footer() just before the closing </body> tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins.(You can edit and add those function to your theme file.)

2. image URL Image URL is not allow cross-domain. e.g. Blog URL is “http://blog.xwjie.com” ,Image URL should begin with “http://blog.xwjie.com”

= How to display 2 or more Flash =

JUST Creat a new config.

== Translations ==

= English =

The plugin comes with various translations, You can submit your translations here: [http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html](http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html)  or Email to xwjwind{[AT]}gmail.com

How To? please refer to the [WordPress Codex](http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language “Installing WordPress in Your Language”) for more information about activating the translation. If you want to help to translate the plugin to your language, please have a look at the sitemap.pot file which contains all defintions and may be used with a [gettext](http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/) editor like [Poedit](http://www.poedit.net/) (Windows).

= Chinese =

此插件支持多语言,含有语言包模版。欢迎您来翻译。你可以在此提交你的翻译 [http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html](http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html) 或者发送Email到xwjwind#gmail.com

= Translators =

zh-CN:Tojary (gx**wj@gmail.com)

tr-TR:Weeebdesign (i**o@weeebhosting.com)

vi-VN:Minh Lâm (minhl***r@gmail.com)

== Changelog ==

> v1.2 support edit and display more flash slideshow(only one before).rebuild the code,all option save to a array.

> v1.11 build 2010-09-27 Fixed the BUG in multisite network.

> v1.1  build 2010-08-14 Add Preview to the Admin Panel.Add another way to inset the Flash Show.

> v1.0  build 2010-08-06 The first Ver.

== Notice ==

1. This Plugin Released under GPL. For More:license.txt

2. The Flash Player(.swf) is base on ‘bcastr flash image player’,Author: zhangruochi , http://code.google.com/p/bcastr/ , Released under Apache License 2.0 ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ).



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  1. Leo.N    2010/10/21 - 14:24   (GMT+8) #1 Reply


  2. Frank Lv    2010/10/22 - 15:28   (GMT+8) #2 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2010/10/30 - 00:26   (GMT+8) #3 Reply

      @Frank Lv:
      查找 //添加到 footer
      把这行的上一行的 add_action('admin_head', 'wp_flash_img_show_header'); 删除,然后保存,这样应该不会引起冲突了。

  3. 小易    2010/12/07 - 13:52   (GMT+8) #4 Reply


  4. 浅蓝    2011/12/13 - 14:31   (GMT+8) #5 Reply

    请能再详细点么…..如何将它自定义到头部位置显示呢….咱是小白…. :cry:

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/12/13 - 18:16   (GMT+8) #6 Reply



  5. Gavin    2013/09/05 - 01:49   (GMT+8) #7 Reply

    请问用html 的方法怎么能把轮播图插入到导航栏下方呢?

    • xwjie(风待)    2013/09/05 - 18:24   (GMT+8) #8 Reply


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