熊伟杰的博客 ~ Xwjie


2017/09/16th | No Comments | Views: 1909 | Posted in 计算机技术, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).



  • 中兴客户端
  • 神州数码客户端
  • 标准802.1x认证


  • 同时支持多种协议
  • 支持多网卡
  • 系统资源占用少,仅需2M内存
  • 断线检测,自动重拨



SkyDrive Easy Download (SkyDrive 批量下载器)

2011/10/19th | 35 Comments | Views: 32590 | Posted in 计算机技术, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).

Windows Live SkyDrive is a nice services to store, access, and share files, photos with others. It offers 25GB free, safe and fast Cloud Storage.

But when we download a large number of files from other friends’s SkyDrive , we have to Click ->Save and and then Click ->Save … It is so tiring!

SkyDrive Easy Download is a Free software tool to help you to Batch download it.

HOW TO: Copy and paste the SkyDrive URL or resid to the input field, Click Get File List, then Check some files, at last Click Start.

Software Name: SkyDrive Easy Download

Author Site: http://xwjie.com

Software Site: http://xwjie.com/post/skydrive-easy-download.html

Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

Author Email: gdouxwj#gmail.com

Download SoftWare:

SkyDrive Easy Download v1.2 (en)

SkyDrive Easy Download v1.2 (en)(For multi-language translators) (Include a xml file so you can translat the GUI to your Language)

BUG Reporting: Leave a Comment or Email to: gdouxwj#gmail.com

If you find the software is useful and you want to encourage the development of  it, you can do it by donating .( via PayPal )

Windows Live SkyDrive 是一款有密码保护的25G超大网络硬盘,您可以随时随地存取文件。同时,也可以让您与您的朋友、同事或家人一起在共享文件夹中添加或更新文件,轻松共享生活信息。

当时当我们下载别人的 SkyDrive 文件的时候,我们不得不一次次的点击->保存,点击->保存,这是件非常枯燥的事情是吧?

SkyDrive Easy Download 就是一个用来解决这个问题的免费软件,它提供批量下载功能,只要复制URL到本软件 -> 点击“获取文件列表” -> 勾选文件 -> 选择文件下载到的文件夹(可保持默认不改) -> 点击“开始” ,接下来就轻松的等待吧。

软件英文名:SkyDrive Easy Download

软件中文名:SkyDrive 批量下载器



操作系统:Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7



SkyDrive Easy Download v1.2 (简体中文)

SkyDrive Easy Download v1.2 (繁體中文)

SkyDrive Easy Download v1.2 (en)(For multi-language translators) (带有一个可翻译的xml文件以便于本地化GUI)



2011/08/14th | 2 Comments | Views: 9607 | Posted in 网络开发, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).

我们知道在IIS7推出后PHP的执行效率有了较大的提高,但是最大的困扰是IIS的URL Rewrite远没有Apache下方便,并且我们的产品环境更多的是Apache,所以Apache始终是我首选的。但是偶尔想调试一些ASP程序的时候怎么办,经常的,一些老的程序没有考虑到端口问题,在IIS用非80端口调试这些老ASP程序的时候链接经常出错。为此我们不得不停止Apache而腾出80端口才能启动IIS,否则会遇到错误:

有什么办法可以让他们和谐共存呢?Apache提供了强大的Proxy模块,我们通过配置Apache的URL重写就可以实现在Apache下把ASP请求甚至所有请求都通过Apache Proxy到IIS处理。



2.编辑Apache的配置文件:apache\conf\httpd.conf 找到以下两项,把前面的注释符号 # 去掉使之加载Proxy模块

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

wp flash img show(WordPress Plugin)图片幻灯片轮换插件V1.3

2010/11/29th | 33 Comments | Views: 21039 | Posted in Wordpress, 网络开发, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).

WordPress Plugin Name: WP flash img show
latest version: v1.3
Author: Tojary
link: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html
Demo (演示): http://xwjie.com/demo/wp-flash-img-show-demo.php
Download : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/

If you can not update/stop/remove this plugin , you neet to Delete folder “wp-content/plugins/wp_flash_img_show/”,And then reinstall WP flash img show.

An other way is Go to the plugin editor. Select WP flash img show from the dropdown. Edit the file wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php , Select all -> paste this code and save. And then reinstall WP flash img show
Plugin Name: WP flash img show
Plugin URI: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html
Version: 0.1
Author: Tojary
Author URI: http://xwjie.com
Description: wp-flash-img-show

if it display warning “Headers already sent… ” ,Click Here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-flash-img-show-headers-already-sent?replies=3

change log:

> v1.3 build 2010-11-27 Get images from Recent post automatic // Add color picker // Background Transparent // Get code shortcut .

Get images from Recent post automatic

color picker

Get code shortcut

> v1.2 build 2010-10-17 support edit and display more flash slideshow(only one before).rebuild the code,all option save to a array.

> v1.11 build 2010-09-27 Fixed the BUG in multisite network.

> v1.1  build 2010-08-14 Add Preview to the Admin Panel.Add another way to inset the Flash Show.

> v1.0  build 2010-08-06 The first Ver.

= Installation (English) =







wp flash img show(WordPress Plugin)图片幻灯片轮换插件V1.2

2010/10/17th | 10 Comments | Views: 12682 | Posted in Wordpress, 网络开发, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).
wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here

Plugin:WP flash img show

Author: Xwjie

Link: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html

Description (简介): http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show-v1-1.html

Demo (演示): http://xwjie.com/demo/wp-flash-img-show-demo.php

Download 1 : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/

Download 2 : http://code.google.com/p/wp-flash-img-show/downloads/detail?name=wp-flash-img-show-v1.2.zip


步骤1. 解压 wp-flash-img-show.zip

步骤2. 上传  wp-flash-img-show 文件夹到你的网站  /wp-content/plugins/  目录内

步骤3. 用管理员身份登录,在’插件’选项内激活 ‘WP flash img show’ 插件

步骤4 方法1: 把这句HTML代码复制到你的主题文件/文章/边栏小工具(文本小工具): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME):<div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_COMFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

步骤4 方法2: 把这句PHP代码复制到你的主题文件中: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME): <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('COMFIGNAME');} ?>







步骤5. 在 ‘设置’ — ‘WP flash img show’ 设置图片地址和显示参数

注意:确保你的主题模板文件中有一个  wp_head() </head> 之前, 而切尔有一个  wp_footer() </body> 标签之前, 否则很多插件无法使用,包括本插件(请手动添加到主题模板文件中).

= Installation (English) =

step 1: Extract wp-flash-img-show.zip

step 2: Upload   wp-flash-img-show   older to the    /wp-content/plugins/  directory

step 3: Activate ‘wp flash img show’ in your Admin Panel (‘Plugins’ menu )

step 4 Method 1: Put this HTML code in your Template / Post / Widgets(text-widgets). <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_CONFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

step 4 Method 2: Put this PHP code in your template: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME):  <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('CONFIGNAME');} ?>

here is some example:






step 5: Change the Setting by navigating to ‘Settings’–‘wp flash img show’ and complete the form

Notice: Make sure have  wp_head() just before the closing </head> tag of your theme AND  have  wp_footer() just before the closing </body> tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins.(You can edit and add those function to your theme file.)


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can not Display ? =

1. Make sure have wp_head() just before the closing </head> tag of your theme AND have wp_footer() just before the closing </body> tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins.(You can edit and add those function to your theme file.)

2. image URL Image URL is not allow cross-domain. e.g. Blog URL is “http://blog.xwjie.com” ,Image URL should begin with “http://blog.xwjie.com”

= How to display 2 or more Flash =

JUST Creat a new config.

== Translations ==

= English =

The plugin comes with various translations, You can submit your translations here: [http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html](http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html)  or Email to xwjwind{[AT]}gmail.com

How To? please refer to the [WordPress Codex](http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language “Installing WordPress in Your Language”) for more information about activating the translation. If you want to help to translate the plugin to your language, please have a look at the sitemap.pot file which contains all defintions and may be used with a [gettext](http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/) editor like [Poedit](http://www.poedit.net/) (Windows).

= Chinese =

此插件支持多语言,含有语言包模版。欢迎您来翻译。你可以在此提交你的翻译 [http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html](http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html) 或者发送Email到xwjwind#gmail.com

= Translators =

zh-CN:Tojary (gx**wj@gmail.com)

tr-TR:Weeebdesign (i**o@weeebhosting.com)

vi-VN:Minh Lâm (minhl***r@gmail.com)

== Changelog ==

> v1.2 support edit and display more flash slideshow(only one before).rebuild the code,all option save to a array.

> v1.11 build 2010-09-27 Fixed the BUG in multisite network.

> v1.1  build 2010-08-14 Add Preview to the Admin Panel.Add another way to inset the Flash Show.

> v1.0  build 2010-08-06 The first Ver.

== Notice ==

1. This Plugin Released under GPL. For More:license.txt

2. The Flash Player(.swf) is base on ‘bcastr flash image player’,Author: zhangruochi , http://code.google.com/p/bcastr/ , Released under Apache License 2.0 ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ).



wp flash img show(WordPress Plugin)图片幻灯片轮换插件V1.1

2010/08/14th | 37 Comments | Views: 37570 | Posted in Wordpress, 首页文章 | by xwjie(风待).
wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here

WordPress Plugin Name: WP flash img show
latest version: v1.1
Author: Tojary
link: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html

change log:  Preview  at the Admin Panel. Add another way to inset the Flash Show.

= Chinese =


你可以自由设置:图片切换时间、是否采用高质量、链接打开方式、按钮的位置、按钮的距离、描述的背景颜色、描述的背景透明、描述的文字颜色、描述的 字体(名)、描述背景动画的时间、按钮的透明度、按钮文字的颜色、按钮的默认颜色、按钮的掠过颜色、按钮当前颜色、图片切换模式、是否显示关于信息、是否 显示描述、图片放缩模式、图片切换模式。图片放缩模式包括No Border/Show All/Exact Filte/No Scale四种,图片切换模式包括alpha/blur/left/right/top/bottom/breathe/breathe+Blur八种。



= English =

wp flash img show is a FLASH Image Slide plugin for WordPress.You can show your articles , photo,goods,product and other ad. or introduction .

The Options include:Round Corner,Auto Play Time,Is Height Quality,Window Open,Button Margin,Button Distance,Description Bg Color,Description Bg Alpha,Description Text Color,Description Text Font,Description Move Duration,Button Alpha,Button Text Color,Button Default Color,Button Hover Color,Button Focus Color,Chang Image Mode,Is Show button,Is Show Description,Scale Mode,Transform Mode.There are 4 scale mode(No Border/Show All/Exact Filte/No Scale) and 8 transform mode (alpha/blur/left/right/top/bottom/breathe/breathe+Blur). Just enjoy it.

