熊伟杰的博客 ~ Xwjie

wp flash img show (plugin) 图片幻灯片轮换插件

2010/08/7th | 353 Comments |Views: 153595 | Posted in Wordpress, 网络开发 | by xwjie(风待).

插件名:wp flash img show



最新版本: v1.4


描述:wp flash img show是一个flash图片幻灯片轮换wordpress插件,你可以利用它展示热门日志、艺术图片、商品、产品。通过改变用户设置,还可以用来做图片广告、宣传标语等等。请发挥创意。




步骤1. 下载解压 wp-flash-img-show.zip(如果是在Wordpress后台“添加插件”处安装,跳过步骤1和2)

步骤2. 上传 wp-flash-img-show 文件夹到你的网站 /wp-content/plugins/ 目录内

步骤3. 用管理员身份登录,在“插件”选项内激活 “WP flash img show” 插件

步骤4. 在 ‘设置’ — ‘WP flash img show’ 设置图片地址和显示参数,这时候通过预览你可以看到效果

步骤5.(这里可以分2中添加方式,一种是HTML:方便而且那里都可以加,另一种是PHP代码:效果一样,也许加载会快一点。从v1.3版本开始,你可以直接在后台“WP flash img show”设置页面的预览下面找到并点击“获取代码”直接复制可用,可以免去自己改下面两种代码的麻烦了)

方法1: 把这句HTML代码复制到你的主题文件/文章/边栏小工具(文本小工具): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME):<div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_COMFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

方法2: 把这句PHP代码复制到你的主题文件中: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> 用这样的代码显示你的自定义配置(替换 COMFIGNAME): <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('COMFIGNAME');} ?>


注意:要使插件正常运行确保你的主题模板文件中有一个 wp_head() </head> 之前, 而且有一个 wp_footer() </body> 标签之前(wp_footer()函数仅会影响使用HTML代码的情况), 否则很多插件无法使用,包括本插件(请手动添加到主题模板文件中).点击上面相应的链接有官方的说明以及自己添加这个标签到主题文件的教程。


因为v1.3的某个svn的版本出现了一个停用插件时备份图片文件出错的缺陷,可能导致无法正常卸载、停用本插件的问题,这时候你只需要登陆网站管理后台的文件管理,或者用FTP工具管理文件,把网站的 “wp-content/plugins/wp_flash_img_show/” 整个文件夹删除掉,重新安装就可以解决这个问题。
也有另外一种解决这个问题的方法:点击插件下的“编辑”,此时应该有提示在编辑文件“wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php” , 全选内容然后粘贴一下代码,就可以停用、卸载插件了,对您造成的不便表示歉意。
Plugin Name: WP flash img show
Plugin URI: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html
Version: 0.1
Author: Tojary
Author URI: http://xwjie.com
Description: wp-flash-img-show

另外,如果发现后台有提示本插件有 “ Headers already sent… ” 这样的错误的话 ,你可以在插件管理页面编辑本插件的“wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php”文件,把最后的一个“?>”之后的换行符删除掉。


1. 本插件在 GPL. 协议下发布,关于该协议的相信内容请查看插件压缩包内的 license.txt 文件。

2. 本插件使用的FLASH播放器(.swf) 是 ‘bcastr flash image player’,作者: zhangruochi

该项目主页 http://code.google.com/p/bcastr/ 发布于 Apache License 2.0 协议



点击这里查看:  //xwjie.com/file/wp_flash_img_show_screenshot_v1.3.png

plugin name: wp flash img show

Plugin URI: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html

Author: Tojary

latest version: v1.4

Author home page: http://xwjie.com

wp flash img show is a FLASH Image Slide plugin for WordPress.You can show your articles , photo,goods,product and other ad. or introduction .

The Options include:Round Corner,Auto Play Time,Is Height Quality,Window Open,Button Margin,Button Distance,Description Bg Color,Description Bg Alpha,Description Text Color,Description Text Font,Description Move Duration,Button Alpha,Button Text Color,Button Default Color,Button Hover Color,Button Focus Color,Chang Image Mode,Is Show button,Is Show Description,Scale Mode,Transform Mode.There are 4 scale mode(No Border/Show All/Exact Filte/No Scale) and 8 transform mode (alpha/blur/left/right/top/bottom/breathe/breathe+Blur). Just enjoy it.


Download :http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/


step 1: Extract wp-flash-img-show.zip

step 2: Upload wp-flash-img-show folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

step 3: Activate ‘wp flash img show’ in your Admin Panel (‘Plugins’ menu )

step 4: Change the Settings and you will see the Preview.

step 5: Click  Get code link which under the Preview , there are two method (PHP Code/HTML Chde) to make this plugin work for you.

Method 1: Put this HTML code in your Template / Post / Widgets(text-widgets). <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME): <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_CONFIGNAME">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

Method 2: Put this PHP code in your template: <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show();} ?> , to display your new custom config (Replace CONFIGNAME): <?php if (function_exists('wp_flash_img_show')) {wp_flash_img_show('CONFIGNAME');} ?>

here is some example:


Insert to a Post


Insert to Sidebar


Insert to index.php


Insert to a Post


Insert to index.php


How to Upload images

Notice: Make sure have wp_head() just before the closing </head> tag of your theme AND have wp_footer() just before the closing </body> tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins.(You can edit and add those function to your theme file. Click the link of that two tags link will help you solve the problem)


The plugin comes with various translations, You can submit your translations here or Email to xwjie.com@gmail.com

Chinese(简体中文)(zh_CN): Xwjie

Vietnam(Tiếng Việt)(vi_VN): Minh Lâm

Turkish(tr_TR): Weeebdesign


NEVER try to update this plugin to the latest version  if it work well for you now.  It will delete all of the images under “wp-content/plugins/wp_flash_img_show/images/” through the automatic update of WORDPRESS,and it may take you some time to change the setting again.

If you can not update/stop/remove this plugin , you neet to Delete folder “wp-content/plugins/wp_flash_img_show/”,refresh the wp-admin page,And then reinstall WP flash img show.

An other way is Go to the plugin editor. Select WP flash img show from the dropdown. Edit the file wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php , Select all -> paste this code and save. And then reinstall WP flash img show
Plugin Name: WP flash img show
Plugin URI: http://xwjie.com/post/wp-flash-img-show.html
Version: 0.1
Author: Tojary
Author URI: http://xwjie.com
Description: wp-flash-img-show

if it display warning “Headers already sent… ” ,Click Here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-flash-img-show-headers-already-sent?replies=3

1. This Plugin Released under GPL. For More:license.txt
2. The Flash Player(.swf) is base on ‘bcastr flash image player’,Author: zhangruochi
http://code.google.com/p/bcastr/ Released under Apache License 2.0


Click:  //xwjie.com/file/wp_flash_img_show_screenshot_v1.3.png

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  1. Kaixa    2011/08/29 - 10:53   (GMT+8) #1 Reply


  2. Flavored Condoms    2011/09/08 - 05:04   (GMT+8) #3 Reply

    Hey I’m trying to use this plugin on a SSL SECURE page, how can i get it to display https…?

    Right now it is the only element on the page which is ‘insecure’, how can i change it to secure?

  3. isimple    2011/09/09 - 13:55   (GMT+8) #5 Reply

    Hello, Thank you for your perfect plugin

    before the slide starting, there is a small message at the top right that say something like
    “flash player 9 is required” for 1 seconed.

    how can i remove that message ?

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/09/09 - 15:46   (GMT+8) #6 Reply

      Open and edit this file: wp-flash-img-show.php ,
      searches for This movie requires Flash Player 9(at line 927, or line 730) and then delete it.

  4. jo    2011/09/13 - 21:14   (GMT+8) #7 Reply

    Hello, thank you so much für you perfekt plugin.
    Ich runs with html code on my website. But the pictures are out of focus.
    I couused with the button: “Get images from this page automatic”
    Can you help me?

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/09/13 - 23:23   (GMT+8) #8 Reply

      I am not sure the exact meaning of But the pictures are out of focus.
      You means that the pictures is unclear(shadowy) ? You can Change the Scale Modesetting and fix it.

  5. 52il    2011/09/17 - 18:53   (GMT+8) #9 Reply

    Warning: DOMDocument::save(/home/lhxp/domains/52il.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.xml) [domdocument.save]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/lhxp/domains/52il.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php on line 1019

    WP flash img show Setting
    Settings saved . Enjoy it !


  6. 匿名    2011/10/06 - 11:19   (GMT+8) #12 Reply

    With the same configurations, the show slide works on localhost but does not work on web server. How to fix the problem? Please advise. Thanks.

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/10/06 - 18:25   (GMT+8) #13 Reply

      I think the Image URL is incorrect. (Can NOT begin with http://localhost or on your web server.)

  7. 匿名    2011/10/10 - 17:32   (GMT+8) #14 Reply

    Hi xwjie:
    Having said so, how can I correct the Image URL and make it begin with http://localhost or on my web server? :?:

  8. 匿名    2011/10/10 - 19:17   (GMT+8) #16 Reply

    Hi Xwijie:
    The problem is that even I can see the preview slide show at my wordpress back-end system. How should I do so that I can see the preview slide from my wordpress back-end system? I can see the preview slide show on my localhost that means on my notebook. But I can see the preview slide show on my web server after I installed wp-flash-img-show. Please help. Thanks a lot.

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/10/10 - 19:25   (GMT+8) #17 Reply

      I am sorry for my poor English, would you mind send the URL of your website and some screenshots of wp-flash-img-show Setting panel ?

  9. Errol    2011/10/17 - 04:56   (GMT+8) #18 Reply

    Fisrt, I’d like to tell you that you plugin is perfect! I tried many other but they didn’t work! ‘excuse my english, I’m french).
    Just one question. For my slideshow, I use large images (930 px). How can I adapt the slideshow for smaller resolutions, in order to see it completly? Pages of my site become smaller, but not the slideshow…
    Thanks a lot

  10. Errol    2011/10/18 - 04:04   (GMT+8) #20 Reply

    Thank you for your quick answer. It seems working. I have to test on severl pc.
    Thanks a lot!

  11. chetan    2011/10/21 - 19:28   (GMT+8) #21 Reply

    hi dear your plugin not worked in IE8! it just display message wp_flash_img_show will display here (config: default). would you please resolve my error.

  12. 张玮琛    2011/11/01 - 14:16   (GMT+8) #23 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2011/11/01 - 18:59   (GMT+8) #24 Reply

      应该可以解决的,最近工作比较多,也许等不及我更新吧 :-D 不过我猜已经有别的插件已经能实现这样的功能了,请尝试搜索 wordpress album plugin 或者 wordpress gallery plugin 看看。 :lol:

  13. Jean    2011/11/08 - 14:32   (GMT+8) #25 Reply

    Hi, I use your plugin and it’s great but when I publish it into web server flash not show anything. I have change image url but it’s still same. How can I fixed it? Thanks

    • xwjie(风待)    2011/11/08 - 23:46   (GMT+8) #26 Reply

      Check and make sure all image urls is correct (not allow cross-domain image-url).

  14. Nicole    2011/11/16 - 00:32   (GMT+8) #27 Reply

    你好,一直想找一款实用直接的幻灯片插件。很喜欢我们中国人写的这款。谢谢你。非常清晰简单,可是我的问题是无论用哪种方法(手动输入图片URL地址、链接、描述 (默认)、自动从最新文章获取图片、自动从独立页面获取图片)在“预览”那都是空白的,只有右下角的几个按钮在。应用到页面之后,看到的本应幻灯片的地方也是空白的,也是只有右下角的按钮。麻烦这是什么问题呢。多谢了。

  15. 匿名    2011/12/06 - 21:08   (GMT+8) #33 Reply


  16. bob    2011/12/10 - 09:19   (GMT+8) #34 Reply

    I love this plugin – I am using it for part of my header and it is perfect except it opens links in new window.

    I wish for links to open in same window. How can I make links open in same window.

    Thanks for your good work on this plugin.

  17. muji    2011/12/16 - 07:21   (GMT+8) #37 Reply

    Hi xwjie,
    Seem like nice plugin, but the problem I am a newbie. My question is, how to upload images on certain folder that I want those images to be displayed? Sound like stupid question, honestly I am confuse :?:

  18. muji    2011/12/16 - 10:00   (GMT+8) #38 Reply

    Hi xwjie,
    disregard my previous comment, after several trial & error finally I could solve it my self….cool plugin man…!

  19. geekinthenight    2011/12/26 - 23:46   (GMT+8) #39 Reply

    Really nice plug in. :-)
    Is there any way I can change speed?
    Images change too quickly for my purpose.

  20. cybasiter    2011/12/31 - 15:53   (GMT+8) #41 Reply

    非常好用的插件 :wink:
    但是似乎只能插入9张图片,超过9张就无法点击了,请问有办法解决吗? :arrow:

  21. han    2012/01/08 - 19:31   (GMT+8) #45 Reply

    :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: 8) :?: :-| :wink: :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o vay

  22. Chris    2012/01/09 - 00:38   (GMT+8) #46 Reply


  23. Chris    2012/01/09 - 01:27   (GMT+8) #47 Reply

    不过现在又有一个新的问题,后台预览不管Window Open设置为New还是Current点击图片都是可以打开的,但应用在主题中New的时候点击可以正常打开,Current的时候却没有反应,在几个浏览器中测试都是同样状况。

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/01/09 - 23:19   (GMT+8) #48 Reply


      • Chris    2012/01/12 - 15:41   (GMT+8) #49 Reply

        现在还有一个问题,已经上传至网页的flash在后台再修改image URL或link后无法反映到网页上……

        • xwjie(风待)    2012/01/13 - 20:20   (GMT+8) #50 Reply


  24. MM    2012/02/15 - 01:24   (GMT+8) #52 Reply

    The plugin works great on the website but it will not work on mobile devices because it requires flash. Is there a way to have a placeholder image there instead just for users that do not have flash?

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/02/15 - 23:08   (GMT+8) #53 Reply

      Use plugin’s HTML code and some custom JS:
      by default, the code look like:
      <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_eg5">wp_flash_img_show eg5 will display here </div>
      we modify it:
      <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here_eg5"><img src="a_image_url.jpg" /></div>
      now it will show a image on some mobile phone which not suppot JS and Flash. but a lot of mobile equipment suppot JS, so we can use some Js to change the image, you will find a lot of js code, a sample: http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/show2.shtml

  25. mybestvideo    2012/03/01 - 20:45   (GMT+8) #54 Reply



    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/01 - 22:26   (GMT+8) #55 Reply

      第二个问题是因为苹果设备都已经抛弃对Flash的支持了,所以无法播放,所以无法从根源上解决, 可以用基于JS的插件代替本插件

  26. mybestvideo    2012/03/02 - 09:28   (GMT+8) #56 Reply

    @xwjie(风待): THANKS

  27. hengheng    2012/03/07 - 22:40   (GMT+8) #57 Reply

    “如果发现后台有提示本插件有 “ Headers already sent… ” 这样的错误的话 ,你可以在插件管理页面编辑本插件的“wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php”文件,把最后的一个“?>”之后的换行符删除掉。”

  28. 玉满斋    2012/03/09 - 16:58   (GMT+8) #59 Reply


  29. 创意吧    2012/03/18 - 23:33   (GMT+8) #60 Reply

    博主您好,为什么我升级了wordpress之后,幻灯片就不能用了,看不到 后台也不能预览。网站首页也是空白的。 我是插入文本工具显示的

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/18 - 23:41   (GMT+8) #61 Reply


  30. sql    2012/03/20 - 13:17   (GMT+8) #62 Reply

    “如果发现后台有提示本插件有 “ Headers already sent… ” 这样的错误的话 ,你可以在插件管理页面编辑本插件的“wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php”文件,把最后的一个“?>”之后的换行符删除掉。”

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/24 - 23:22   (GMT+8) #63 Reply

      你好,麻烦在出现提示的页面,在浏览器鼠标右击→查看源代码,然后把源代码保存发到这个邮箱 gdouxwj@gmail.com ,尽力帮你排除问题 :-P

  31. Danny    2012/03/24 - 23:11   (GMT+8) #64 Reply

    你好,我填写了PHP代码(HTML的不行).页面上显示This movie requires Flash Player 9,谢谢!

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/24 - 23:19   (GMT+8) #65 Reply

      在插件配置页面底部 勾选启用“排错模式”,然后打开网站首页看看有没有提示 :lol:

    • Danny    2012/03/24 - 23:19   (GMT+8) #66 Reply


  32. 飞仔客博客    2012/03/27 - 14:06   (GMT+8) #67 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/28 - 00:22   (GMT+8) #68 Reply

      再不行的话可以勾选插件配置页面底部的 启用“排错模式” 保存后,打开主页看弹出什么提示吧~ :-P

  33. Gerardo    2012/03/30 - 08:36   (GMT+8) #69 Reply

    My slideshow only shows 5 of 9 images… ¿why?

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/03/30 - 22:50   (GMT+8) #70 Reply

      I guess the SIXTH image url is broken. :wink:

      • Gerardo    2012/03/31 - 06:35   (GMT+8) #71 Reply

        No, it is not…

        • Gerardo    2012/03/31 - 09:44   (GMT+8) #72 Reply

          You were right, the problem was in the sixth image.

  34. Gerardo    2012/03/30 - 08:40   (GMT+8) #73 Reply

    WP version 3.3.1
    WP flash img show version 1.4

  35. 用了。 在后台显示图片和文字都正常。    2012/04/01 - 14:11   (GMT+8) #74 Reply

    用了。 在后台显示图片和文字都正常。
    但是 前台显示不出来 前台显示的还是之前的。。 请问是什么原因呢。

  36. www    2012/04/06 - 10:55   (GMT+8) #76 Reply

    启用时出现Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in /users/web2454917/wwwroot/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php on line 938 怎么的呢?

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/04/06 - 12:38   (GMT+8) #77 Reply


  37. Vaz    2012/05/07 - 15:37   (GMT+8) #78 Reply

    Dear xwjie,

    Thanks for an amazing plugin. I have installed it on my site, but there is an issue it appears sometimes only. When it doesnt appear, if you refresh the page it appears.

    Thanks for your help in advance. :)

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/05/11 - 17:23   (GMT+8) #79 Reply

      I need more details about the issue, please COPY the Warning Reporting when it appear. :lol:

  38. zhang    2012/05/08 - 17:23   (GMT+8) #80 Reply

    你好,WP version 3.3.1
    WP flash img show version 1.4

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/05/11 - 17:15   (GMT+8) #81 Reply


  39. laura    2012/05/13 - 22:06   (GMT+8) #82 Reply

    With the Adobe Flash 11.2 upgrade, my flash_ing_show will not display. This is the key part of our homepage. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:

  40. cameraquansat24h    2012/05/18 - 05:45   (GMT+8) #83 Reply

    Ok, thanks. I’ve got it. I must clear my cache.
    Thank you so much.

  41. 林雾静    2012/06/29 - 19:25   (GMT+8) #84 Reply


  42. Florence    2012/07/17 - 19:17   (GMT+8) #85 Reply

    Thanks for this amazing plugin. I have installed it on a website, ity works very well on line, but the gallery does not show on local installation (wamp)…any clue ?
    Cheers from south France

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/07/17 - 22:18   (GMT+8) #86 Reply

      Check every Image URL(on wamp), replace http://www.---.com/ with local URL (just like

  43. lapa    2012/07/22 - 06:28   (GMT+8) #87 Reply

    I have installed this plugin on local, and it works perfectly. But, now I have installed it on a website, and it doesn’t see anything. The preview is missing as well.

    This is the error occurs:

    Warning: DOMDocument::save(…/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show-Reserva.xml) [domdocument.save]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php on line 1019

    I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/07/22 - 13:07   (GMT+8) #88 Reply

      login to the Folder Properties page of your web hosting file manager (or ftp tools),change the folder permission of


      to writeable (755 or 777).
      (see also http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions)

      • lapa    2012/07/22 - 15:33   (GMT+8) #89 Reply

        Thank you very much!

      • lapa    2012/07/29 - 06:44   (GMT+8) #90 Reply


        I have changed the permission of all the archives to 755 and 777, and it hasn’t worked. The message of error is the same. What can i do?

        • lapa    2012/09/30 - 23:38   (GMT+8) #91 Reply

          Migration to a web server with PHP 5.3 did finally work, without having to make permission changes.
          Thanks for the plugin. It’s great!!!!

  44. ambersky    2012/09/10 - 16:38   (GMT+8) #92 Reply


  45. ambersky    2012/09/10 - 16:38   (GMT+8) #93 Reply


    • 匿名    2012/09/10 - 21:38   (GMT+8) #94 Reply


  46. Chris    2012/09/21 - 10:51   (GMT+8) #95 Reply


  47. Chris    2012/09/21 - 10:53   (GMT+8) #96 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2012/09/21 - 15:35   (GMT+8) #97 Reply


      PS,发代码是 按两次 “code” 按钮,打字慢贴在那两个引号中间

      • Chris    2012/09/24 - 00:21   (GMT+8) #98 Reply

        <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/' ?>swfobject.js"></script>删掉后,可以正常显示了。
        Thank you very much!

  48. Mate    2012/09/25 - 21:33   (GMT+8) #99 Reply

    How to put this flash in the center of the page. Html codes dont work on it. it just remains on the left.

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/09/26 - 00:37   (GMT+8) #100 Reply

      <div style="MARGIN:0 auto;TEXT-ALIGN: center;"> your code here :idea: </div>

  49. jytsoho    2012/11/03 - 17:49   (GMT+8) #101 Reply

    无法启用插件,因为它引起了一个致命错误(fatal error)。

    Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in /home/www/web/jytsoho.com_yFsHTwf1ZFsgNrlPiCTp/wwwroot/wp-content/plugins/wp-flash-img-show/wp-flash-img-show.php on line 938


    • xwjie(风待)    2012/11/05 - 00:29   (GMT+8) #102 Reply


  50. FF    2012/11/04 - 23:37   (GMT+8) #103 Reply


    发现 用chrome 和火狐 可以正常使用,用IE就出现 This movie requires Flash Player 9

    • xwjie(风待)    2012/11/05 - 00:33   (GMT+8) #104 Reply

      请问用那台电脑的IE浏览器可以正常显示这里的FLASH吗? http://xwjie.com/demo/wp-flash-img-show-demo.php 如果不能,可能是Flash版本过低。

  51. uhoo    2012/11/05 - 00:55   (GMT+8) #105 Reply


  52. roweet    2012/11/21 - 10:45   (GMT+8) #107 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2012/11/21 - 12:31   (GMT+8) #108 Reply


      • roweet    2012/11/24 - 13:21   (GMT+8) #109 Reply


  53. 小清博客    2013/02/23 - 14:56   (GMT+8) #111 Reply

    WP flash img show,我在本地上测试没有任何问题,但是一但传到主机上就没有任何效果了,显示空白。


    • 小清博客    2013/02/23 - 14:58   (GMT+8) #112 Reply

      手动输入图片URL地址、链接、描述 (默认)


    • xwjie(风待)    2013/02/23 - 16:06   (GMT+8) #113 Reply


  54. fscdragon    2013/03/29 - 14:37   (GMT+8) #114 Reply


  55. ahtisham    2013/04/16 - 17:49   (GMT+8) #116 Reply

    i installed this plugin in my own website and its a great..but when we share our page on any social network like facebook then msg display with page -wp_flash_img_show will display here (config: getncr)..how i resolve this

    • xwjie(风待)    2013/04/16 - 19:04   (GMT+8) #117 Reply

      This is the first time I’ve encountered this issue, Do you mind provide a URL of your page?

  56. ahtisham    2013/04/16 - 22:22   (GMT+8) #118 Reply
  57. Elli    2013/04/19 - 15:58   (GMT+8) #119 Reply

    想问一下,我的选项是”Get images from this page automatic”,并选择了Gallery那个页面,但图片出不来,依然是插件自带的四张默认图片。想问一下是我遗漏了什么选项吗?我是前几天才刚接触WP的新人,抱歉打扰您啦><

  58. Branco (WebHostingGeeks.com)    2013/04/24 - 19:23   (GMT+8) #120 Reply
  59. 郑强    2013/06/04 - 16:55   (GMT+8) #121 Reply


  60. 青刀刀    2013/06/14 - 19:54   (GMT+8) #123 Reply




    • xwjie(风待)    2013/06/14 - 21:04   (GMT+8) #124 Reply


  61. 周周服饰    2013/07/24 - 14:06   (GMT+8) #125 Reply

    非常不错的插件,已经用上了,很漂亮,谢谢博主的分享,看看我的效果http://www.zhjfa.com :lol:

  62. Thowzif    2013/07/31 - 21:41   (GMT+8) #126 Reply

    This is a fantastic pluggin. Thanks a lot.

  63. 潇湘公子    2013/09/19 - 17:32   (GMT+8) #127 Reply

    我的网站 首页幻灯片有点小问题,那就是 谷歌IE9 都能显示 幻灯片 ,火狐却不能显示,还有360也不显示,不知道是什么原因。。。。您能帮我看一下吗 是什么原因 很喜欢这个查件 正好满足我的要求!再次感谢一下作者!

  64. 潇湘公子    2013/09/19 - 19:48   (GMT+8) #130 Reply

    完美解决 特来拜谢!十分感谢! :-P 节日快乐!

  65. hello    2013/09/23 - 11:33   (GMT+8) #131 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2013/09/23 - 20:53   (GMT+8) #132 Reply


  66. 默然    2013/11/01 - 13:17   (GMT+8) #133 Reply


    • xwjie(风待)    2013/11/01 - 13:23   (GMT+8) #134 Reply

      HTML加入:<div id="wp_flash_img_show_sty">幻灯片代码</div>
      然后 CSS 加入 #wp_flash_img_show_sty { padding-left: 20px; }

      • 默然    2013/11/01 - 13:52   (GMT+8) #135 Reply



  67. blue ice    2013/11/09 - 23:44   (GMT+8) #136 Reply


  68. blue ice    2013/11/09 - 23:47   (GMT+8) #137 Reply

    你好,请问<param name="wmode" value="Transparent">怎么使value值变成Opaque?

    • xwjie(风待)    2013/11/10 - 00:07   (GMT+8) #138 Reply

      @blue ice:
      因为没有单独的选项,请打开插件文件夹下面的wp-flash-img-show.php文件,替换3处 TransparentOpaque

      • blue ice    2013/11/10 - 15:21   (GMT+8) #139 Reply


  69. angela    2013/11/23 - 05:22   (GMT+8) #141 Reply

    how do you center the slide show in a post? I cant get it to work

    • xwjie(风待)    2013/11/23 - 09:10   (GMT+8) #142 Reply

      <div style="text-align: center;">
      Original Code: <div id="wp_flash_img_show_here">wp_flash_img_show will diaplay here</div>

  70. iroel    2013/12/05 - 15:31   (GMT+8) #143 Reply

    I m already try the to put html code for mobile that you suggest in comment box but It’ doesnt work for my web site. Would you like to inform to me step by step so I’m clear. Thank’s

  71. ming    2014/02/08 - 17:32   (GMT+8) #144 Reply

    你好,为什么老是会出现“this movie requires flash player 9”,还有,我的图片是放在又拍网上的,不是直接上传到本地,有影响么?谢谢

    • 匿名    2014/02/09 - 00:37   (GMT+8) #145 Reply


  72. adnnns    2014/03/10 - 18:30   (GMT+8) #146 Reply

    我的插件第一次装正常 第二次装然后又重装一遍程序装 那个预览和首页空白啊 解决不鸟。。。如果有解决方案可以发邮箱 谢谢 :!:

  73. didan    2014/03/14 - 12:29   (GMT+8) #147 Reply

    Hallo, this is the first I use WP CMS. then I found this plugin. My question? How to upload our file jpg, pdf etc in order to it can be shown wp_flash_img_show? Thank you

  74. 随风而去    2014/04/18 - 20:56   (GMT+8) #148 Reply


  75. 随风而去    2014/04/18 - 21:36   (GMT+8) #149 Reply


    • 匿名    2014/04/18 - 21:38   (GMT+8) #150 Reply


  76. mindi    2014/07/29 - 10:44   (GMT+8) #151 Reply

    thank’s for this plugin, so nice

  77. 玖玖网赚博客    2015/02/09 - 21:41   (GMT+8) #152 Reply


  78. 同盟源    2015/04/13 - 12:06   (GMT+8) #153 Reply


  79. haouxy    2015/05/31 - 15:03   (GMT+8) #154 Reply

    你好,为什么更新了WordPress程序以后WP flash img show 插件的图片不显示了?保存的路径也是对的,预览的地方是一片空白。希望帮助一下,谢谢。

  80. dongdao    2015/08/10 - 14:35   (GMT+8) #155 Reply

    wp_flash_img_show will display here(config:default),是本身就不兼容吗还是?


  81. 提线木偶    2015/09/03 - 19:29   (GMT+8) #157 Reply

    请问一下博主这个插件可以实现响应式吗? :?:

  82. 随缘小居    2016/07/31 - 11:44   (GMT+8) #158 Reply

    我用的是百度编辑器 然后首页幻灯片只会显示编辑器rar的图片 不会显示其他图片 希望告诉修复办法。我的博客地址 blog.suiyuan68.cn

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